Thursday, June 29, 2023

For beginners in Linux, the most important commands you need to use the terminal

There are many commands used in the Linux terminal. Here are some examples of common commands: ls: Displays the contents of the current directory. cd: Change current directory.

mkdir: Create a new directory. rm: Delete a file or directory.

cp: Copy a file or directory. mv: Move a file or directory.

cat: display the content of a file. grep: Search for text in a file.

chmod: Change file permissions. chown: Change file ownership.

ssh: Connect to a remote server using the SSH protocol. sudo: Execute a command with root privileges.

apt-get: Manage software packages in Debian and Ubuntu distributions. yum: manages software packages in CentOS and RHEL distributions. wget: Download a file from the web.

pwd: Displays the path to the current directory. find: Find a file or directory based on specified criteria. tar: Compress and decompress files in tar format.

gzip: Compress and decompress files using the gzip format. ping: Sends ICMP requests to another device for connection and response checking. ifconfig: Display network information and configurations.

netstat: Displays information about current network connections. ssh-keygen: Generate SSH key pairs for passwordless authentication. top: Displays a list of running processes and resource usage.

df: Display information about hard disk usage and remaining storage space. du: Displays the size of files and directories. history: Displays a list of recently executed commands.

chmod: Change permissions for files and directories. chown: Changes the owner and group of a file or directory. scp: Copy files between two devices over SSH.

alias: Create a shortcut for a specific command. grep: Find text in files using regular expressions. sed: Edit and modify file content using regular expressions.

awk: Processing and parsing data in text files. sshfs: mount a remote machine as a local folder using SSH. screen: Create and manage multiple terminal sessions.

nc: Establish a TCP/UDP connection and send data over the network. cron: Schedule commands to run periodically. wget: Download files from the web directly into a terminal.

traceroute: Trace the path of data packets across the network. scp: Copy files securely between two systems over SSH. dd: Creates a backup copy of repaired disks or disks.

crontab: Manage and modify the user's cron table. man: Displays the command and documentation directory for a specific command. tail: Displays the last lines in a text file.

head: Displays the first lines of a text file. zip: Compress and decompress files in ZIP format. unzip: Unzip compressed files into ZIP format.

htop: Displays a detailed look at resource usage and system processes. history: Manage the history of previously executed orders.

curl: Make HTTP requests and browse web content. lsof: Displays a list of files opened by the current process. tar: Compress and decompress files in tar format. df: Displays disk space usage status.

htpasswd: Create and manage password files for protected web services. shutdown: Shutdown or restart the system. cron: Execute commands on a scheduled and periodic basis. awk: A programming language that specializes in parsing and modifying data in text.

chmod: Change permissions for files and folders. chown: Change the owner and group of files and folders. ssh-keygen: Create and manage SSH key pairs.

grep: Find text in files based on regular expressions. sed: edit and modify data in the text. find: Find files and folders based on specified criteria. ping: Ping to another device via ICMP.

ifconfig: View and configure the state of network interfaces. netstat: Displays network connection information and open ports. scp: Copy files between two systems over SSH. wget: Download files from the web by direct link. history: View and manage the history of executed orders.

ps: Displays a list of running processes. kill: kills a process based on the process number. history: Displays a list of recently executed commands. du: View disk space usage for files and folders.

df: Displays information about disk space usage. grep: Searches for text in files or command results. awk: A programming language for processing and analyzing text data. cut: Extract specific parts of lines in files.

sort: Sort the data in the files. uniq: Display duplicate lines in files. head: display the first of a certain number of lines in the files. tail: Shows the last number of lines in the files.

ln: Creates a symbolic or hard link to files. wget: Download files from the web. scp: Copy files between two systems over SSH.

tar: Compress and decompress files in tar format. zip: Compress files or folders into ZIP format. unzip: Unzip ZIP files. curl: Make HTTP requests and browse web content. nc: Establish a TCP/UDP connection and send data over the network.

mount: Mounts the file system to a specific mount point in the system. umount: Detach the file system from the mount point. useradd: Adds a new user to the system.

userdel: Delete a user from the system. groupadd: Add a new group to the system. groupdel: delete a group from the system. passwd: Change the current user's password.

sudo: Run commands as root. shutdown: Shutdown or restart the system. reboot: reboot the system. ifconfig: View and configure the state of network interfaces.

iwconfig: View and configure the status of wireless network interfaces. nmcli: Manage network connections and interfaces in NetworkManager. ip: View and configure IP addresses and routes in the system. traceroute: Trace the byte path in the network.

nc: Establish a TCP/UDP connection and send data over the network. iptables: Manage the firewall in the system. ssh: Connect to another device via SSH. scp: Copy files between two systems over SSH. rsync: Transfer and synchronize files between different systems.

find: Find files and folders based on specified criteria. locate: Find files based on the database of indexes. diff: Compare the content of two files and display the differences between them. patch: apply modifications to a file using the patch file.

chroot: Change the root of the current directory of a process. history: View or execute previous orders from the order history. watch: Execute a command recursively and display updated results. ping: Ping to another device via ICMP.

ncdu: Analyze the space usage of the system in detail. history: Manage the history of previously executed orders. chmod: Change permissions for files and folders. chown: Change the owner and group of files and folders. df: Displays disk space usage status.

du: View disk space usage for files and folders. free: Displays memory and RAM usage in the system. uptime: Displays the system's uptime and current state. whoami: Displays the name of the current user.

date: Displays the current date and time. cal: Displays the monthly calendar. hostname: Displays the name of the machine (hostname).

history: View the history of recently executed commands. alias: Create shortcuts (custom commands) for long commands. top: Displays a list of running processes and resource consumption. htop: An improved version of the top command for better display of information. bg: Runs the process in the background.

fg: Convert the process to the front end. jobs: Displays a list of processes running in the background. nohup: Runs the process without being affected by closing the window. screen: Create and manage multiple sessions in one window. clear: Clears the text and clears the terminal window.

reset: Reset the terminal state to default. script: Record a terminal session to a file. yes: Automatically sends a "yes" confirmation for commands. tree: Displays the folder structure in a tree. ln: Creates a symbolic or hard link to files.

watch: Execute the command recursively and display the results. echo: display the text on the output line. cat: display the content of files. tail: Shows the last number of lines in the files. head: display the first of a certain number of lines in the files.

awk: A programming language for processing and analyzing text data. sed: A flow editor for processing and editing text. cut: Extract specific parts of lines in files. sort: Sort the data in the files. uniq: Display duplicate lines in files.

wc: The number of characters, words, and lines in the files. diff: Compare files and show differences between them. tailf: Show files sequentially in real time. tee: read from data input and write to output and file. watch: Execute a specified command recursively and display updated results. curl: Make HTTP requests and browse web content.

wget: Download files from the web. scp: Copy files between two systems over SSH. rsync: Transfer and synchronize files between different systems. find: Find files and folders based on specified criteria. grep: Searches for text in files or command results.

chmod: Change permissions for files and folders. chown: Change the owner and group of files and folders. tar: Compress and decompress files in tar format. zip: Compress files or folders into ZIP format.

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